"The value of a man resides in what he gives and not in what he is capable of receiving." - Albert Einstein
Sarana Metal Group conducts assistance activities for children in the education sector to give contribution in the field of developing the quality of our young generation. The CSR program, called the Anak Asuh program, has been given to more than 100 students in several schools in Surabaya and surrounding areas.
Sarana Metal Group also has spiritual activities which are held since 2007 and it is still carried on untul now in a routine prayer fellowship, named Sarana Anugerah Kasih. The purpose of this activity is to provide a forum for Sarana Metal Group employees and related partners to be able to carry out spiritual activities together.
In order to improve school facilities and infrastructure, Sarana Metal Group carried out basic school renovation assistance. Renovation covers repairs to classrooms, teacher rooms, UKS, libraries, and other supporting rooms.
In addition, we also carry out other social activities such as:
1. Helping other social foundations in need.
2. Making events that can gain benefit to the foundation.
3. Helping to improve educational facilities that are inadequate.